Social Entrepreneurship Mission: Inclusion 22/23
How can people with disabilities be integrated into the labor market?
In this practice-oriented event, the students explore this question together with Hilfswerft gGmbH and the support of the Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales. They design sustainable and/or social business ideas on this topic in order to achieve social impact. They receive the necessary tools and applications for this in workshops and are regularly accompanied by coaching until the final pitch in the team.
The goal is to give students the opportunity to address important societal challenges (e.g., inclusion, climate change) and learn how to use entrepreneurial methods to develop solutions.

The project consisted of 4 phases:
1. exploration phase - kick-off and challenge matching
Participants can match themselves to the challenges (Challenges) from the practical world available up to that point or pick their own topic area.
2. development phase - workshop for idea generation
In this block event, participants generate ideas, link them to possible business models and receive input on the background of social entrepreneurship, e.g. from experts from the field.

3. test phase - Individual coaching and interim presentation.
Individual appointments: In the test phase, the teams are to develop initial prototypes of their concepts and obtain feedback from their practice partners and other potential stakeholders.
Intermediate presentation with feedback: Here, the teams receive bundled feedback from employees of Hilfswerft and the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
4. final phase - final pitch
Here, all participants are invited for the presentation of the solution approaches. The teams present their results and receive feedback from a jury. In addition, the teams receive final contact with the speakers and challenge donors.